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san Diego Concierge FAQs

Hotel Guests FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
for San Diego Concierge

Information for Hotel Concierge, Front Desk, Bellman & Drivers -

answers for FAQs of San Diego hotel guests!

Top FAQs from guests -

restaurants, nightlife, events, attractions, activities, shopping...
and the rest alphabetically.

Downtown - Mission Valley - Harbor - Beaches


San Diego restaurants by location and type.
NIGHTLIFEMusic, dancing...
EVENTSWhat's happening- today, this week, this month.
ATTRACTIONSZoo, Seaworld, Balboa Park,
ACTIVITESThings to do in San Diego
SHOPPINGShopping centers and speciality.
AIRLINESFor hotel shuttle drivers- airline arrival info-800#s, Arrival Info, Ops, transport- shuttles, buses.
BANKS/ATMsWhere you can get cash and other financial transactions.
BEACHESSouth from the Mexican border, North to Orange County.
BREWERIES & BARS Beer and locals pubs, including Microbreweries.
CAR RENTALAuto rental locations from the airport to around the city.
CASINOSIndian Gaming centers.
CHURCHESWhere to worship for your faith.
COFFEE HOUSESEspresso, Lattes and Cappuciono
DISCOUNTS & COUPONS Get discounts on local attractions and restaurants.
DRUG STORESby Name & 24 hour
Where to go for medical attention.
MAGAZINES/NEWPAPERSPublications with more information on San Diego and what's happening around town.
FAMILIES & KIDSWhere a family with children can enjoy San Diego.
FLORISTSNeed flowers? Find a a nearby florist for pickup or delivery.
FITNESS GYMSWhere you can get a worlout in while visiting San Diego.
GOLFCourses, transport, reservation companies.
Where you can go to unwind after a day of business or conventions.
HOTELS- AREAHotels in central San Diego.
Where to find internet, wireless & email
LINKS Links to more San Diego Hotel Sites
LAUNDRY-DRYCLEAN-TAILORWhere you can get your clothes cleaned or repaired.
MAPSCounty, City, Downtown, Zoo, Seaworld, ...
MASSAGEA great way to recover from a stressful day.
MOVIESTheaters to catch a movie.
POSTAL & BUSINESS CENTERSU.S. Post office , FEDEX, UPS locations.
RENTALSCar, bike, Boat, Surfboard and more.
SALONSBeauty, Hair, Nails
SPORTSSports in San Diego from Pro, College-UNI and recreational.
Where you can find your favorite sport and team on television.
TIJUANA, MEXICOOnly 20 Minutes away from downtown San Diego is Tijuana, Mexico.
TOUR COMPANIESDirections, transportation, tours, maps, events...
TRANSPORTATIONCity Buses, Trolley, taxis, freeway maps.


General San Diego visitor information websites.
WEATHERSan Diego's legendary 'perfect' 'weather.
WINE- BARS, BUYWhere you can go to have a glass of wine, or buy a bottle. Also winery tours.
OTHER USA CITIESConcierge Info for other USA cities, Canada & Mexico
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site designed and built by Steve Churchill - 
Travel Agent, Tour Guide-Bus Driver, Bellman-Concierge-Driver
Owner-Operator Run of the World Travel Services/FlexiTours San Diego
More sites by Run of the World

Run of the World

June 6, 2007 - last updated - 25 November, 2013